ohjisamaXmarc's avatar


doraemon is my superhero
120 Watchers79 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (67)
My Bio

Hello there! I'm Marc. And I think stripes and polka dots can go together in one jumpsuit.

I love anime,cosplaying,drawing,and photography.

My current fandoms are Vocaloid,Ao no Excorcist,Hidan no Aria,Kuroshitsuji,Rurouni Kenshin,Hakuoki Shinsengumi Kitan, and Doraemon.YES,DORAEMON.:X (Mad)D:

Current Residence: Quezon City
Favourite genre of music: jMusic,from rock to smooth jazz
Favourite style of art: fluid
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPod classic 120gb
Favourite cartoon character: doraemon!

Favourite Visual Artist
Masashi Kishimoto
Favourite Movies
Death Note The Last Name
Favourite TV Shows
Anime Series, ANTM, Project Runway, How I Met Your Mother
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
the Gazette,Alice Nine,Gackt,Asian Kung-Fu Generation,Orange Range,UverWorld,Tommy Heavenly6,Yui,Incubus,RedHotChiliPeppers,Linkin Park,The Script,The Fray
Favourite Books
Favourite Writers
William Ernest Henley
Favourite Games
anime games(mostly adventure games though)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
adobe photoshop cs3
Other Interests
math,art,anime,manga,cosplay,action figures,photography,poetry,drawing,digital stuff,gadgets,music
as the title suggests, yes people, IM ALIVE.like, after that hellava roller coaster ride sem that just ended OOOHH IM JUST SO HAPPY IT'S FINALLY OVER AKHGDLKSGLKASDH a lot of things have happened (with my subjects), like really..they just got harder and harder.i didnt fail to study every single time but it's just that..ugghh..oh well the grades are not yet here but what's important is that i did my best and i never gave up for once. so yea ive isolated myself from working on cosplay, watching anime and stuff for months and also ive been absent at cons and was sort of inactive here. :( well ive been submitting some works from my past shoots...
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:iconranranruuplz: OMG YOU GUYS, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I'm just so happy coz I already have 100 watchers~*feels loved*/shot As much as I dont want this post to be cheesy...I just feel the need to show my gratitude.:D Thank you for clicking that +Watch button, faving my deviations, commenting/ chatting , THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!~ This feels so great in a gajillion ways. And I just want you to know that you guys are a part of my inspiration whenever I plan to submit a new deviation.=) I feel very much encouraged to share my little pieces of art because of you and the whole dA community as well. I promise to submit better deviations,hah!:D  I...
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Tagged by: :iconsukijanai19:RULES 01 - You must post these rules 02 - Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal 03 - You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal 04 - Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them 05 - No tag backs 06 - No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you read this". You legitimately have to tag 10 "peoples"(say whuuutt?)1. I love fashion, photography, and modelling.2. I love art thus making my own art using media within my reach.3. I love cosplaying.4. I very much have interest in business, economics, and financial markets.5. I am a g...
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Profile Comments 580

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MelonsMelons's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch :D and Hai :DDD
bana2xsan's avatar
Thank you very much for the watch :D
watched you back
RubySmiley's avatar
Thank you for the watch! :hug:

And ohmaigawsh, your cosplays are hnngjhagflaf

Let me watch you back :D
ohjisamaXmarc's avatar
You're very much welcome! I love your works!
And oh, thanks for watching back~ :iconsmilieplz:
RubySmiley's avatar

Thank you, and you're welcome!
Nekuren's avatar
Its very refreshing to see a good male cosplayer~ Keep up the good work~
ohjisamaXmarc's avatar
Your words are very much flattering~Thank you so much! *watches you back* :D