Ponies :3 [Custom]OdysseyArt120 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/odysseyart120/art/Ponies-3-Custom-1025125346OdysseyArt120

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OdysseyArt120's avatar

Ponies :3 [Custom]



These are ship customs for Malta2277

Left Pony:
Parents: Sugar Belle x Carrot Top
Name Suggestion: Jelly Butter
Character Tidbit: This girl gives me baker vibes! I think she helps her mom in the kitchen and likes making little treats!

Right Pony:
Parents: Zephyr Breeze x Saffron Masala
Name Suggestion: Ginger Root
Character Tidbit: This girl enjoys dancing. She loves learning different kinds of dances, especially flowy ones and ones where she can fly.
Design details(the other girl didn't have anything special with her design so she didn't get details):
- She is wearing a flower earring(designed vaguely off of the saffron flower)
- Her face type is supposed to be closer to Saffrons. I imagine she's a bit lanky like her father, though
- Her hair is very wavy to the point of almost being curly

Another one done!!! These two are so cute! They ended up having similar colors, which I didn't intend, but I loved the colors too much to change them! The second girl is definitely my fav, with her flowy hair!!

To Malta, I hope you like these! If you want anything changed, let me know! Otherwise, let me know where you'd like me to send the transparent file!

To everyone else: Want a custom? Go here:  Customs (OPEN)I can only do feral art. No anthro/humans. I'm most comfortable with cats, can do ponies/MLP stuff, and can let you know on other things. I'm NOT doing dragons at this time.I ask that you read through this before commenting so you see all the information, including:- Prices- Options- TOS- Examples- Non-point Options- Available Slots- How to be Pinged-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPTIONS AND PRICES:I take both points and Paypal(usd only and only with orders of $2 or more)100 points=$1Custom Options:Character Sheet(comes with an extra lined fullbody) - 600 pointsLined Full Body - 200 pointsSketched Full Body - 100 pointsLined Headshot/Bust - 50 pointsSketch Headshot/Bust - 25 pointsHead - 10 pointsWhat if I don't have points? No worries! Go here: https://www.deviantart.com/odysseyadopts/status-update/GETTING-A-CUSTOM-WITH-NO-1023449435 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIFICS:I can make a custom from a variety of prompts. You can be super specific, give me a moodboard, give me 2 cats/ponies to make a kid of, or just give me a short prompt. It's not required, but if you'd like something to fill out, here:Option/Custom Type:Species:Moodboard/ship/prompt:Preferred Gender:Specific Details:Accessories?:Anything Else(other wants, refs*, etc):For the Character Page specifically, let me know what kinds of sketches/scenarios you'd like and if there are characters you'd like the new character to interact with.*References/ship parents MUST be either characters I own, characters YOU own, real world examples, or art you have permission to use(characters from shows are okay but otherwise you must have the artists permission to reference their art).***You may order as many customs as you'd like, but please be mindful that big orders(especially of fullbodies) will take longer--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXAMPLES:Head,Headshot/Bust,Full Body,Character Page,I have more examples on my page and my Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/OdysseyArt120/characters/folder:5167163 *THESE EXAMPLES ARE MY PERSONAL CHARACTERS AND ARE NOT FOR SALE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T.O.S:- I have the right to refuse if i am uncomfortable with what is being asked/my ability to draw what is being asked-I DO NOT DO PROSHIPPING. Any order that contains proshipping will be immediately denied. If you continue to push this boundary, you will be banned.- If you give me art references that you do NOT have permission to reference, I will refuse your order. If you continue to push this boundary, you will be banned.- It should take me between a day and a week to complete an order(depending on if I'm busy/sick/motivated).- If you would like to see an in progress sketch of your custom, please let me know! I'm happy to show you!- You may make small changes to the design, but do NOT edit the picture I give you- Tag me the first time you use the design- Please don't use my designs for fetish art/NFTs- If you are going to post MY ART(not the design in your style) anywhere outside of Deviantart or Toyhouse, let me know first----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CUSTOM SLOTS:Malta2277tkn2973.4.5.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope these do well! I know people like my designs, and I LOVE making customs, so I finally got my prices in order! I will change things as I get a hang of things.If you'd like to be pinged when customs open, go here: https://www.deviantart.com/odysseyadopts/status-update/If-you-d-like-to-be-1023445828...
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1224x625px 320.8 KB
© 2024 - 2025 OdysseyArt120
anonymous's avatar
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LeereCanvasGirl's avatar

Ooohhh a Saffron ship! Those always make the prettiest babies