Last One, I Swear (Adopt) CLOSEDOdysseyArt120 on DeviantArt

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OdysseyArt120's avatar

Last One, I Swear (Adopt) CLOSED



I have other things to do but I had the urge to make a diamond-headed cat after drawing my own diamond-headed OC. Think of this as a replacement for Cragthorn!

This is an Offer to Adopt

Most Wanted Offer
Points (I am poor)

Offers I will still totally take
- Usd (like I said, I'm poor...)
- Art (I have cat, dragon and pony characters to draw, just tell me your preference!)
- Characters (I'm looking for characters for a story I'm making! I'll take unused/unwanted oc's or unsold adopts)
- Customs (fair warning that I'm not going to have the most solid directions for my customs. I just need characters for a story I'm making)

- Mixed offers
- Feel free to offer anything else I may not have listed, I'm very flexible in what I accept

I know these are just sketchy heads so I'll offer a few options:
If you offer at least 50Points I'll do a clean lined headshot
If you offer at least 200Points I'll do a sketch fullbody
If you offer at least 400Points I'll do a clean lined fullbody
If you offer at least 600Points I'll do a character page (Examples: Fernholly character page Fallenpaw Character page)
(the fullbodies are only so high because I'm not liking my style right now)

*If you're offering something other than points, tell me what you're offering and which option you'd like and I'll let you know if I think it's fair

The Cat
1. Diamondclaw - BaggyCatt
Tidbit: Diamondclaw seems like a serious cat on the surface, but he's actually a real jokester. He loves telling jokes, even if it's not the most appropriate setting. Getting Diamondclaw to laugh at one of your jokes is a huge accomplishment.

Okay, quick little diamond man! I'll decide the winner after I've finished the art I owe. Now let me actually go do that art haha!
Image size
316x369px 43.84 KB
© 2024 - 2025 OdysseyArt120
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BaggyCatt's avatar

*SLAMS DOWN POINTS* 6-600 points...