Free Warrior Cats Adopts - CLOSEDOdysseyArt120 on DeviantArt

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OdysseyArt120's avatar

Free Warrior Cats Adopts - CLOSED



-Maximum 2 per person, first come first serve
-Tag me the first time you use the design
-Feel free to make minor changes to the design, as long as it's still recognizable
-I can give you a separate, transparent file through note or
-Do not resell the design for more than you bought it for unless it comes with extra art

The headshots are free, but you can get fullbodies as well
On-base fullbodies are 10 points. (You may choose the base if you'd like, otherwise I will use a googaoo or supurrnovae base)
Off-base fullbodies are 30 points. Examples of my artstyle are on my page and my TH
You can buy a fullbody at anytime

The Cats
Grassstar - VaporizedParadox

Risingwing - leopard167andicestar

Med Cats
Dewyriver - sofhiadragon

Thistlebeam - SovietBall04

Foxsun - BlazingTiger5222

Heronjaw - FeistyFerretFather

Daisycreek - Readytest

Buzzardshadow - Diamondclawwww

Ripplebush - AnimalWorld1

Jackdawthorn - leopard167andicestar

Yewfire - HeartsyArtsy

Fallowear - colubrids

Crowwind - Diamondclawwww

Eclipsepaw - HeartsyArtsy

Dapplepaw - Natalia-Clark

Corianderpaw - WrenGardener

Whitepaw - AnimalWorld1

Morningjaw - sofhiadragon

Mumblewhiskers - VaporizedParadox

Ratkiller - DizzyD00dles

Virgil- ACakeWhore

Adam - ACakeWhore

You can see the original allegiances list with their descriptions and extra information here:

Hello! I really wanted to do some warriors stuff, and I saw some people doing full clan adopts, so I gave it a try! I had a lot of fun! These guys came out amazing~ I made them free because I want these guys to go to people, unlike my other warriors adopts. Like it says in the rules, it up to 2 per person, unless I have a significant amount of leftovers, then I'll let everyone have another. If people are interested in this I may do another!

Website I used to generate the Allegiances:…
Base by: SuperArtsi 
Image size
4391x2446px 273.87 KB
© 2024 - 2025 OdysseyArt120
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sofhiadragon's avatar

Could you do the fullbodies of the ocs I got?