pretty self explanitory is it that obvious that im obseesed with Star Fox and all video games in general
Current Residence: In someones closet
deviantWEAR sizing preference: ecnereferp gnizis RAEWtnaived
Print preference: ecnereferp tnirP
Favourite genre of music: anything thats NOT rap or country
Favourite photographer: peter parker
Favourite style of art: Manga
Operating System: hello operater?
MP3 player of choice: ipod
Shell of choice: Turtle
Wallpaper of choice: the kind stained with blood
Skin of choice: people are supposed to have skin?
Favourite cartoon character: Gaara,Ichigo,Tsukune,Byakuya,Chizuru,Hinata,Mizore,Nora,Negi,Nodaka,Chii,Kirby,Cpt Falcon,SONICCHARS
Personal Quote: Every time YOU masturbate GOD breaks your penis!