Day 2 of scourge.

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OcularFracture's avatar

Who else would contract Covid-19 on April Fool's Day? 🙄 I promise it's not a prank. Cause if it was, I would've mentioned it yesterday instead of dying in bed yesterday.
This blows, yo. Instagram is pretty much the only social media I use, and it's been down. None of my internet friends (and by internet I mean only) want to hang out online and do anything together. There's this neat Chrome plug-in you can get where you can sync a movie up with your friends and watch together. No one wants to.
I've invented some fun discord (or other social media) games that no one wants to play.
I can't post art on instagram cause it's down, so I'm like running out of shit to do. I was gonna keep it a surprise and shadow drop chapter five of Crayzee Mayzee when it was complete, but I don't think I can do that now, especially if there are people out there who are as bored as I am right now.
So sit tight. I've got some pages done.

Also. #savehoofs

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WingsThePhoenix's avatar
oh god im so sorry ;; (i saw this journal after my other comments oops)
please, please stay safe!!!