Oclictis1's avatar


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Ozzie The Hedgehog by Ozy92, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (222)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio


I used to upload drawings with Sketchbook Pro, and have dabbled in pixel art. Now when I draw it's traditional pen and paper, though sometimes it's done with photoshop. You can request a drawing if you want, but I may not always do it. Also no nsfw requests or anything like that, so yeah. I also used to do animation, you can check out some of the 2D and 3D animations I've done, I think you'll find them quirky and nice. These days I am primarily focused on music. I started out folky and acoustic, but have branched out into white noise, vox populi, field recordings, noise rock, sadcore, math rock, and have been a little emo inspired.

I have a new EP called "Songs abt. Judy" out right now, and I'd be honoured if you took the time to check it out. It's only about 10 minutes long. It is inspired by the work of American Football and I Hate Myself, two very good bands who got me through a lot of turmoil. It's a little emo, mathy, corny lovesongy thing about a dreamgirl who does not exist and projecting a failed relationship upon her, you dig? Check it out here: ashiba.bandcamp.com/album/song...

External links
Bandcamp - ashiba.bandcamp.com
YouTube - www.youtube.com/user/oclictis1...
Twitter - twitter.com/Oziel_Esparza
Tumblr - shota-goat.tumblr.com/
Steam and mostly everything else is oclictis1

Thank you, and Godspeed on your endeavours

Favourite Visual Artist
Mewball, Avenn, CrookedTrees (His pixel art, mostly)
Favourite Movies
Films by Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, Akira Kurosawa
Favourite TV Shows
Aku no Hana, Nichijou, Zankyou no Terror
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kaada, Soley, STRFKR, Shiny Toy Guns, Gorillaz, Daft Punk, Neon Indian, Sleep Party People, Ice Cream Cathedral, hellraiserten, Serj Tankian, Steam Powered Giraffe, I hate myself, American Football, Animal Collective, King Crimson, Empire! Empire!, ASMZ
Favourite Books
Crime and Punishment; Goodbye, Chunky Rice
Favourite Writers
Fyodor Dostoyesvky, Craig Thompson, John Steinbeck, Tarl Warwick
Favourite Games
Downwell, Binding of Isaac, Mother 2 & 3, Hotline Miami, Tetris
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Try not to die
Other Interests
Drawing, Writing, Story telling, Music
    Hey there, I haven't checked this place in like a year. A lot has happened. I graduated, released an EP (but deleted the journal entry because I was worried people I didn't want seeing it seeing it), had an EP in the works for so long now but haven't been able to finish recording it.    I mostly do music now. I only drew at all this past year because I took an art class, and even then a third of the time I just hung out instead. I'm pretty decent at guitar now, but have lost most of my motivation. Last December to January I got pretty depressed and took SSRIs, absolutely hated em.     Looking around back here is kinda nice and sentimen...
anonymous's avatar
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DeviantART is 15 now, yet it's older than most of it's users! Let's do a questionnaire in honour of that. How long have you been on DeviantArt? Since like 8th grade, so about 4 years now. I'm about to be a high school senior at this point. Just checked, turns out tomorrow (August 8th) is the 4 year anniversary of me getting my first watcher! What does your username mean? I came up with it when I was 7, I had this big idea for a comic or show or something but it was pretty dumb. Oclictis was a power or something. Describe yourself in three words. person dude guy Are you left or right handed? Left handed master race, even though we are oppre...
anonymous's avatar
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Hey there! I've released my first EP, Little tunes, on bandcamp. Please give it a listen!https://ashiba.bandcamp.com/album/little-tunes
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 242

anonymous's avatar
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GnoblynArt's avatar

thanks for watching!

T3chn0Zorro's avatar

Love your Art! :heart:

and thanks for the llama :)

Oclictis1's avatar

thanks for the watch! and I appreciate the comment, I'm flattered that you've taken the time to look at my stuff. Let us go far, amen

bitchiest's avatar

thanks for the llama!

Oclictis1's avatar

no problem, thanks for takin a look at my art ;3

carseatheadrest's avatar
nice music taste man! i checked out your ep and it’s super cool dude, good job
Oclictis1's avatar
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you taking the time. I have another ep in the works called Bunnyless/Relapse about my past relationship and regretting everything.

I checked out your art, I think it's great and reminds me a bit of Cate Wurtz but still very unique. Emo is never dead.