I used to upload drawings with Sketchbook Pro, and have dabbled in pixel art. Now when I draw it's traditional pen and paper, though sometimes it's done with photoshop. You can request a drawing if you want, but I may not always do it. Also no nsfw requests or anything like that, so yeah. I also used to do animation, you can check out some of the 2D and 3D animations I've done, I think you'll find them quirky and nice. These days I am primarily focused on music. I started out folky and acoustic, but have branched out into white noise, vox populi, field recordings, noise rock, sadcore, math rock, and have been a little emo inspired.
I have a new EP called "Songs abt. Judy" out right now, and I'd be honoured if you took the time to check it out. It's only about 10 minutes long. It is inspired by the work of American Football and I Hate Myself, two very good bands who got me through a lot of turmoil. It's a little emo, mathy, corny lovesongy thing about a dreamgirl who does not exist and projecting a failed relationship upon her, you dig? Check it out here: ashiba.bandcamp.com/album/song...
External links
Bandcamp - ashiba.bandcamp.com
YouTube - www.youtube.com/user/oclictis1...
Twitter - twitter.com/Oziel_Esparza
Tumblr - shota-goat.tumblr.com/
Steam and mostly everything else is oclictis1
Thank you, and Godspeed on your endeavours
thanks for watching!
Love your Art!
and thanks for the llama :)
thanks for the watch! and I appreciate the comment, I'm flattered that you've taken the time to look at my stuff. Let us go far, amen
thanks for the llama!
no problem, thanks for takin a look at my art ;3