Chibi Usa and Heliosoceanfoam on DeviantArt

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oceanfoam's avatar

Chibi Usa and Helios



Guess what? I wasn't drunk LOL Just really bored. Well that and I was looking through old drawings. I really wanted to just redo one that I already have just....better but I got upset with the one I was working on and took a break from it to doodle.

Well here is what my doodle turned out to be. I really want to ink it and fix things because it turned out pretty well (imho), but I know I will NEVER finish it if I do soo i just added a quick splash of colors for now.

Hope ya like it cuz I do for the most part :D
Image size
1169x850px 500.9 KB
© 2011 - 2025 oceanfoam
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eostrecalliope's avatar
That's lovely! Comes off as very dream-like which is appropriate!