Hello to all. I'm a long time time visitor who finally decided to take the plunge. Boy, are my e-mail pals (that shows my age) gonna be shocked!
I'll have something for y'all to look at ASAP... First it'll be stuff I've done in the past 10 to 15 years. After that some newbies!
Still love the art as always! Can wait for you to hit 900 watchers!
Awww! *hugs* Thank you very much! I'm shock I already have the 899!
Congrats on getting this far!
Thank you very much! And thanks for all the Favorites!
Hiya. Got a question, you take requests?
Hiya back.
I take requests on a case by case basis, If you want a fetish (people encased in rubber, vore stuff like that) then its an instant no. I also don't do pictures you've requested and gotten other people to do and everybody only gets one, so choose wisely.
Oh, yeah, definitely nothing like vore(bleh-)
Saw your Exorcist-sona(how I found this channel too) and I was wondering if you'd be interested in making an art of her annoyed at another Exorcist's bragging over her kill count(if you are interested in doing this, then I'll tell you how I want this other exorcist to look)