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©2004-2007 =O-range
... on P!nk's final concert of her I'm Not Dead Tour.
Getting to Austria under the impression I got a photo pass for Pink's final gig, just to find out her management decided to cut down 20 photographers, was a joy. Being frozen to death and sleepless set me in a cranky mood and I was prepared to break some necks. Never mind I did get a photo pass for a much more exclusive event - Pink opening the world's first sound slope, which means skiers will be able to listen to their favourite music when enjoying the ride down the snowy slopes. But all I really wanted was to stand on the other side of that steel fence, right under the stage, with lights blinking mad and our lady rocking. And the thing, that most of the people who know me well already know, is I hardly ever take no for an answer when it comes to things that matter that much to me. I got my photos. Details will be revealed 10 or 15 years from now. The subject isn't ready for a discussion just yet. Maybe I should just mention how Pink first got Linda Perry's telephone number. She stole it. Called her and left 10 minute long message on her answering machine. Linda called back the next day, saying she thinks she's crazy and that she should stop by at her house someday. Obviously she did. And then? They made a world-wide selling record M!ssundaztood together, which became her biggest seller to date. It's official now. Following the rules will get you nowhere. I'm not suggesting you should go over the bodies trying to catch your dream, but having your eyes open, looking for an alternative solution when everything else fails, is always a good choice. When you're sure no one gets hurt, go for it. Dreams won't linger around forever.
I was excited to see the whole first line occupied by the English invaders, most of whom I met at Pink's amazing gig at Brixton. Big hug to Bex and the night was perfect. Till the point I've realized Pink is wearing my scarf. A scarf I throw on stage at that gig in London. 4 months ago!! I would recognize it any day, since it's old as hell and kind of torn apart at both ends. She kept it. She really did! So fucking unbelievable!!
The opening of the sound slope was a torture. Imagine standing on the top of the snowy mountain (1894 m) with unbearable wind, waiting and having you camera ready. It's amazing how all that ends when a certain person arrives. Pink got a new coat, a scarf and a hat, together with some very well thought questions from high class journalists. "What did you buy for Christmas?" ... "Will you have a family soon?" ... "Do you like to ski?" Impressive. All I was waiting for was: "Where did you get your name from?" No wonder she couldn't wait for all of that to be over.
And what made that day one of the best days of my entire life, were my two best friends travelling with me. Laughing, swearing, freezing, loosing our minds together, eating, freezing, freezing ... I can't imagine making my dream come true in a better company.
I also know one of you will definitely remember me saying I won't touch my camera again if I ever got to shot Pink. I lied. I am not to be trusted but at all! I didn't touch it since to be honest. I'll probably have to this coming Saturday when we're covering another gig. To be honest, I was seriously scared after everything was over. What now? Photographing all that really was on the very top of my wish list and I kind of didn't expect it will happen that soon. But I guess being a constant grumpy, hardly ever satisfied with what I do, setting up new goals right after the gig, was a must. It's the only way to keep me moving & the only way I know to keep getting better and better and better, never mind the fact I already know that as my toughest critic I'll probably never be completely satisfied with things I do.
Thanks to all of you guys for keeping your fingers crossed till last Saturday. I truly believe it helped too. Since I won't be around much I shall wish a happy holidays to everyone. Take care of your loved ones, don't forget to wrap some gifts for your sweet dogs, cats, alligators, snakes, hamsters, elephants, lions, giraffes ... as well, put on a big smile, imagine it's snowing (if it isn't) and go Ho-Ho-Hoing around.
Love & cuddles,
~Barbi &
Some photos from the gig can be found @ &
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I soooo can't wait for the new tour dates to be annouced!
I soooo can't wait for the new tour dates to be annouced!