Wolf and FawnNylak on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nylak/art/Wolf-and-Fawn-16700987Nylak

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Wolf and Fawn



I painted this last November and my family made it at Kinkos into our yearly Christmas card, which is what we do every year with one of my paintings. This year, however, someone in the administration of the American Card Company, I'm pretty sure it was...(or was it the American Card Factory? Whatever...) got a hold of it from one of my mom's friends, and I'm now being sponsored as a card designer. Haha. It should be in circulation this year or next year's holiday season, I believe. If you see it, think of me!

The original sketch I doodled in my sketchbook for art class as being based on "the lion and the lamb" concept. I can't draw lions and I can't draw lambs, and I happen to like wolves, so I new-aged it up a bit. Whee. I liked how it turned out, so I redrew it as a design for a greeting card, and voila. The inside of the card reads...uhhh...Damn, I have no clue. Something about the peace of the season. :D

This was re-uploaded because the last one had issues.

Done in tempera paint on 5x7 pastel paper. Clocked at about 10 hours.
Image size
706x500px 552.73 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Nylak
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WolfLover231's avatar
This is great!! I love the fawn with the wolf, it looks so comforting!!! Great job!!! Love it!!!!!!:happybounce: :happybounce: Love Love