Unnamed Self-Insert Mutant?nxtequal on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nxtequal/art/Unnamed-Self-Insert-Mutant-614483362nxtequal

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Unnamed Self-Insert Mutant?



i went to watch x-men apocalypse on the 28th of may or whenever and i LOVED it nightcrawler ? quicksilver? my gayboys

and of course it totally reignited my love for marvel and of course i needed to make....a self-insert...............me as a mutant

i don't have a cool mutant name bc those are hard to come up with maybe retcon idk? spoiler? they're both awful names

more points about powers because  listen
- plot armour renders characters immune to death and other things like losing their powers or bodily harm that will affect them permanently in the future, but it doesn't work on characters who aren't crucial to "the plot". it can be negated by circumstances like a character fulfilling their role
- every object that is summoned becomes a magnet for "plot events" (think coincidences)
- remote viewings by enemies and allies are both blocked. other characters also can't look into the future re: him to see what will happen
- the halo is highly visible, untouchable, and cannot be covered, so he is terrible at hiding
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