Hyun ref sheetnuggzzsss on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nuggzzsss/art/Hyun-ref-sheet-1135316327nuggzzsss

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Hyun ref sheet


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I had motivation to draw an oc ref so I redesigned Hyun a little

Name: Hyun-soo Cheong (Cheong Hyun-soo)

Age: 23 (4/13/2001)

Height: 5’6

Gender: Demi-girl (she/they)

Orientation: Omnisexual

Status: Dating Callisto (friend’s OC)

Nationality: Korean

Species: Siren

Occupation: Criminologist + Fashion Designer

Powers: Hypnotizing singing

Hyun-soo is an elegant man killing siren, she’s a very hardworking independent woman in both of her occupations. They pursue in criminology to get people the justice they deserve and they pursue in fashion design so people can buy accessible goth clothing. They’re also very experienced with witchcraft, they won’t hesitate to hex someone the second they tick her off. Speaking of independent, Hyun-soo prefers to be alone majority of the time due to her bipolar disorder and being an extreme introvert, the only people she likes being around is her girlfriend and her friends.

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768x1024px 173.92 KB
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