
Rainy evening

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nubianlover's avatar

Literature Text


I’ve lain here many moments now,
On this stained, spring-snapped mattress,
Listened to the reverberating echo of silence,
And then to the slow dull murmur,
That repeats itself incessantly.
Watching the stream of water,
That runs the skylights surface,
A tireless reflection of my insomnia.

Above me the drowning ebb of weighty clouds,
Hangs high and full.
The sky, a backdrop of black,
Clouds adding grey mottled omnipotence.

Outside the streetlights spatter out weak lustre,
As if it were saliva slipping down to reach,
Gum trodden paving stones,
Joining with the streams of water,
That tumble, in an effort to escape the urban world,
Down the litter lined gutter.

She’s lain here next to me,
For just as long,
My mind exploring fantasies that will never be,
She doesn’t love me, she never has.

My eyes now join,
The skies unhappy chorus.

a poem about a woman i once loved

who appears in much of my recent poetry

she never loved me, or showed any real compassion,

i was just her tool to acheive some end i never understood

its more descriptive than my other work, and focuses more on the moment

bare in mind that she will leave as soon as the rain stops

as she always did...
© 2004 - 2025 nubianlover

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anonymous's avatar
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Aladdin-Sane's avatar
The weight being given to the description means that this is probably my favourite of those I've read by you. Totally devoid of cliches, for one thing, which is great.

However, not much actually seems to happen and description, no matter how good it is, will lose its significance without context. Wouldn't require much to change, admittedly. Also, the end feels a bit like a cop-out because it's so bare, even though I can see why you would do that.

Overall really good though :)