OSA 'Thunder Bunny' Self-Propelled ArtilleryNSSunset on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nssunset/art/OSA-Thunder-Bunny-Self-Propelled-Artillery-1029311131NSSunset

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OSA 'Thunder Bunny' Self-Propelled Artillery



For NationStates; Stitched together in DoGa with parts torn still-bloody from other models.


'Artillery Exists to Launch Large Chunks of Budget at an Enemy it Cannot Actually See.'

~Maxim 57; 'Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries'

Thus too with the 'Thunder Bunny, the OSA's preferred field artillery platform. The unit itself is a single large bore (that being an important point) linear accelerator (coilgun, if you prefer) mounted on a repulsorlift platform. Secondary systems consist of a pair of fire control and guidance sensors mounted on the turret, a stand-along ordinance launcher on one side of the primary hull, a crew-served/remote heavy accelerator opposite, and a whopping huge fusion reactor. This last occupies most of the forward hull with the crew section (3; commander, driver, gunner) behind this and the automated loading system behind this with this system and the gun turret occupying the rear third of the vehicle.

In operation these guns are typically fielded as a battery of five and often situated in proximity with their brigade HQ. While fully self-propelled, they are not particularly fast - capable of pacing mechanized infantry when detached from their caissons or somewhat slower if forced to haul their own ammunition. As illustrated, this is carried in containerized 'caissons', which are specially-equipped intermodal shipping containers with articulated belt feed mechanisms and repulsor dollies. Each 'Thunder Bunny can attach up to three caissons, allowing the automated loading system to switch seamlessly between ammunition types.

As mentioned, the gun itself is a large bore linear accelerator. These use a combination of repulsor and magnetic accelerator technologies to both accelerate the projectile and stabilize its flight which means 'Sorry - no boom.'

But there is a particularly ominous hum.

Usefully, this also means that the gun can fire anything that will fit into the breach. Popularly this has been utilized to launch more 'useful' items as well as the occasional prank or gag. Technically the bore is large enough that one might fit a particularly slender or diminutive humanoid inside, though this has never been attempted in the field (which means it has been attempted in barracks). Because of course it has. Frivolity aside, the 'Thunder Bunny is a capable, reliable platform that can provide a high volume of accurate fire over extended ranges and delivering a wide variety of ordinance to the target.

Or teddy bears.

Or goober rounds; the 'Thunder Bunny is noted for its participation in peacekeeping or pacification operations where it will be plentifully supplied with riot-gel or 'goober' rounds. Many a rioter has found that the riot police they were engaging with were more than willing to turn the page back to Maxim 20;

'If You're Not Willing to Shell Your Own Position, You're Not Willing to Win.'
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idkjustneededname's avatar

bunny? imagine if its cannon makes a "pyon" sound even it fires lol