OSA H-8RD Erinys Heavy Aerospace FighterNSSunset on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nssunset/art/OSA-H-8RD-Erinys-Heavy-Aerospace-Fighter-1036081193NSSunset

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OSA H-8RD Erinys Heavy Aerospace Fighter



For NationStates; Modeled in DoGa and based on my personal ride-or-die in 'No Man's Sky'.


In Greek mythology, the Erinyes are various goddesses of vengeance spawned from the blood of Uranus that fell across the land after he was castrated. Ouch. Still, goddess of vengeance sounds pretty awesome and if you're looking for such a deity to descend from the sky or emerge from the earth to smite your enemies this is a pretty good option.

As titled, the 'Erinys is a Heavy Aerospace Fighter. That is, they are about as big as such things come and can operate in nearly any environment. They are also exceptionally heavily armed. How heavy? Well, in 'Tech-terms they mount two ER-PPCs, four Medium Pulse Lasers, a LRM-10, two Small Pulse Lasers as chase-guns, a Laser AMS, and a RAC-2 because machine guns are for killing squirrels. That also means they are slow (for a fighter) with their natural enemy being the aerospace superiority fighter.

On the operations side, they are typically pitted against large, heavy, and either slow-moving or immobile targets though rotorcraft are a tasty snack as well. Bunker networks, fortresses - super-heavy tanks and walkers. They are juuust barely small enough to use the launch system on a 'Sentinel-Class dropship.

There are a couple noted variants. The first simply adds a weapons officer's seat, which is odd as most of the weapons go where the plane is pointed. The second expands on this a little further and adds VTOL capability, which opens up the option to use it as a special operations transport? It does seem odd to ask a (presumably) highly-trained aerospace pilot to jump out and throw themselves into a gunfight...
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DuckOwner's avatar

it's chonky to the point where the shape implies that it's a much larger vessel. good thing there's a canopy for scale