Fantasy Roleplaying Terrain - Half Circle StairwayNSSunset on DeviantArt

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Fantasy Roleplaying Terrain - Half Circle Stairway



Made mostly in GIMP with textures found hither and yon.


Cave or Dungeon Hallways for use with tabletop role-playing games. I want to try to get my kid into tabletop and I figure miniatures and actual terrain will help her maintain interest. Each image is printed out ('Fit Picture to Frame') then glued to 100 weight cardstock with spray adhesive (3M #45) and covered with clear stick-on laminate. Then I can tap them to the kitchen table (or floor, for really big dungeons) with regular cellophane tap. 

I used hexagons because clearly I like hexagons. 

These should work pretty well with regular D&D sized minis, if a little big. Or you can not 'Fit Picture to Frame' and they should be perfect. If you use these and want a specific room/area, put in a request. It only takes about a half-hour to make a single 'sheet'. 
Image size
1095x1053px 732.33 KB
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