Doctor Who Buttons Series 2: Companionsnozomi-neko on DeviantArt

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Doctor Who Buttons Series 2: Companions



Finally!! The second Doctor Who set! I've been working on this slowly since July, and parts of it have been debuting since Geek.Kon in September, but finally, here is all of it!!

Top to bottom, left to right:
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River Song
Captain Jack Harkness
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
Rose Tyler

WHOO! I call this one done unless I decide to add an Centurion Rory. Which I might. xD Only one more set to go and I'm done with the Doctor Who series.

The complete set will be on sale starting at Kitsune Kon at the end of the month!

art (c) me
Doctor Who (c) BBC et al

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900x962px 635.81 KB
© 2012 - 2025 nozomi-neko
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katara11111's avatar
Where can I buy these?