+ Balanced Relationship -Novamedes on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/novamedes/art/Balanced-Relationship-797582612Novamedes

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+ Balanced Relationship -



There were a few times in the show where Noah and Izzy had this kind of quirky but functional relationship; where Izzy would get up to her antics, and she would just kinda include Noah in them and he'd be like, well... it's help from some crazy girl but it's free. I know Owen and Noah are the close ones but I feel like it almost could've been Izzy and Noah with how Total Drama Island was going near the end. ^<^;; Oh well! I still really like them.

Also, she's not the only weird one here, Noah. Who looks at someone bending in that position and thinks it would be comfortable to sit on them?? At least he took off his shoes and she thinks it's funny, but still. Harumph!
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