NotoAyako's avatar


Call me Aya, please...^^
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • May 24, 1987
  • Indonesia
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (93)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio
Aya's New DevID

Hello everyone! Aya's here. Yes, My real name is Atalya Shina but everyone calls me Aya. My user name here is Noto Ayako. Noto is taken from the last name of my favorite voice actress (everyone must have known her) while Ayako is taken from my nickname with '-ko' suffix which emphasize that I'm a lady. Chitanda Waving Waving Hands Icon

I like drawing and designing, in this case perhaps simple graphic design, although it's not related to my work or my major when I was in university at all. Yep, I take graphic design as a hobby just recently, maybe it's just been 3 years since I start practicing on how to use graphic design software like Photoshop and Illustrator. My husband is the one who teaches me all of these stuffs. Chitanda Claps icon

He is just like me, doesn't like to take graphic design seriously. Can't be helped since he is a mechanic who often handle cars' engines and rarely sits in front of computers. That's his hobby as well, btw, modifying cars, drifting and such. He just can't get enough if it until the level that he affects me with those stuffs. As a result, I come to like cars and everything related to it. Chitanda Hides Icon

Yep, it maybe strange for some people but I'm a girl who likes cars. Also, don't forget that I'm an otaku as well.  I like anime so much and I'll never get enough of it. Chitanda Smile Icon

 So everyone, please get along well with me. Chitanda Bowing Icon

From now on, this profile of mine will be handled by my little brother @Ditto-kun and future artworks are likely to be designed by him. Chitanda Eru Bowing Icon

Favourite Movies
Transporter, Sherlock Holmes, Death Race, Over The Hedge, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
James Blunt, Rob Thomas, Maroon5, Muse
Favourite Gaming Platform
This profile is now handled by my little brother @Ditto-kun
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Handing Off

0 min read
Today is monday but it's unlike any other Monday because it's a national holiday of Ied Adha (hope that's the correct spelling in English), and unlike any other Monday as well, today I'm writing this journal from my little brother's laptop but using my connection because I'm about to declare something important regarding him and my dA gallery.After everything that happened recently, for some reason I'm losing my passion to keep designing artworks and submit them into my dA gallery. I think I can still sketch sometimes, but I'm not going to do it seriously. So I hereby handing off every rights related to my artworks, including ownership, th...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
No, I'm not talking about that adobe software nor some circus attraction. I'm basically making an analogy of taking care of two little daughters and handling office works as a juggling attraction, just like you see on stages. At first, I find it really exhausting and I didn't know if I can manage to do it all. Well... I managed to take care of a daughter while still working on my career but with two daughters it seemed like a higher hurdle. Nevertheless, as I got accustomed, I started to enjoy it all. Instead, all of this makes me feel complete as a woman. Although I'm still wondering when I will be able to become a full-fledged housewife....
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MazdaTiger's avatar
NotoAyako's avatar

I'm back, Mazzy. Sorry for making you wait for so long. Lovely Shoujo Emoji (Huggy Hug) [V2]

Although I may not be able to talk to you as often as before. This profile of mine is handled by my little brother now.

MazdaTiger's avatar
BFG-9KRC's avatar
Hope you're doing well, wherever you are now...
NotoAyako's avatar

Thank you so much fr your warm attention, my friend. I'm back, at least for now, but I might won't be able to come here as often as before.

My profile is now handled by my little bro but don't worry, you can leave your messsages here and I will still reply them personally.

I also heard that you and my little bro get along here and in pixiv. You have my gratitude for that. Chitanda Bowing Icon

BFG-9KRC's avatar

I'm relieved to hear you're doing well. Looking forward to hear back from either you or your brother soon enough.

MazdaTiger's avatar
I know you are not here anymore

But I wanted to say

Happy birthday