What kind of society are we living in?nothasuke45 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nothasuke45/art/What-kind-of-society-are-we-living-in-938499023nothasuke45

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What kind of society are we living in?

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DwightDog's avatar

i was vegan for six years, the most unhealthy time of my life, before and after for 4 years either side I was vegetarian. After being hospitalised for stomach pains I learnt, with doctors and really educated people that

meat is a vital food group, animals are not human, and only if you as one person stop eating meat. millions of animals are slaughtered for others to eat weather you eat them or use there products or not. and the rest of the world's not going to suddenly stop because you say they should.

plus the amount of wildlife that's killed ploughing and preparing the fields to grow mushrooms, tofu and soy/ vegan options, it should be considered a meat anyway as well as over half of vegan food companies being closed down due to mould and finding out that many of the people working on the packaging of tofu eat meat, getting it all over the packaging and don't even get me started on how plastic packaging is bad and how paper packaging is destroying trees for woodland critters.

even your phone/computer you post from isn't vegan / animal cruelty free so I suppose you can't ever be truly vegan if you have a phone

it's simply not healthy/true that you can be vegan  that's all I'm saying.

 don't harass people or spill your nonsense over the Internet, or at least if you're super crazy do your research and check the facts

you're not "theveganteatcher" this isn't going to make you famous or get you followers so please just stop all of this and enjoy a hamburger