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anonymous's avatar
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IggyAlfi2319's avatar
I have fanfiction implying Denmark as the main character but with the cameo of a lot of countries and OC.

Can I submit it?…
sukuangtou's avatar
Letting you know SOPA is back and the deadline is the 19th of March, not all that long away. We still need 2,437 signatures. If SOPA happens, no more fanart, fanfiction and so on so please spread the word.…
namxlxss's avatar
*coughforacceptingmeintoyourgroupcough* *continues to hug you all* :iconihugyouplz: :iconlovelyhugplz:
namxlxss's avatar
Danke~! Grazie~! Thank you~! Arigato~! Gracias~! Merci~! Mulțumesc~! Köszönöm~! Þakka þér ~! Xièxiè ~! Kiitos~! Tack~! Tak~! Takk~! Spasibo~! Thanks dudettes~!!!!! *glomp hugs you all*
sukuangtou's avatar
For some reason, I can'r submit to the brotherly love folder! What should I do?
XxGulizarchanxX's avatar
I have fixed the folder know can you submit 
It into brotherly love folder!
sukuangtou's avatar