hey everyone !
it's been a while that i didn't write any thing here,
the holiday is just started, and it's tow weeks for me ... :dance:thanks for your :+fav:'s and :+devwatch:s it's means a lot to me :hug: :blowkiss:,two of my best friends became a deviants :love:
#1 - :iconeman-w: :heart::thumb71803091: :thumb71669157::hug:#2 - :iconmahawe: :heart::thumb76628880: :thumb76628176:visit their galleries :floating:
and welcome them ! :cuddle: some pink's !! :heart::thumb25036864: :thumb76400803: :thumb71555257:
:thumb74153584: :thumb52474181: :thumb67870299:
:thumb62186658: :thumb70081333: :thumb62906076:
. hey :aww:kl 3am we antom b5eer :love:
Happy Eid every one .. :airborne:
:thumb67028024:--will, ! I've been tagged by :iconbarnii: :brushteeth: :rose: RULES: 1. Go to your Profile Settings and make sure that the feature "Make My Favourites Random" is checked.
2. Now, open your deviantart page >> [link]
3. For each question, press the "Refresh" button to get your answer in the Random Favorites box.
4. From the two retrieved deviations, pick the one you feel most likely to answer the question and write down its title :D
5. Put any comments in brackets after the deviation thumb and title. :plotting: If someone says "is this okay ?" yo...