Nickname: Noosha..
Dating: A character that does not currently exist (maybe someday)
Obsession: Ezio/Altair...can’t really choose
Let’s see what I can say without boring anyone...Things I like: Writing, drawing, piano, AC TRio, POC, POP, instrumental music, Backstreet Boys, Blue, Enrique Iglesias, soldiers, parkour, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, and my Laptop
Things I dislike: Meat, fish, superman, diet, stupid movies, politics, reality, and traitors....I guess thats about it for the things I hate...I am also an obsessive person. When I like something or someone, I LIKE it waay toooo much!! I don’t think I am alone here
Current Residence: My imagination...
Favourite genre of music: Movie Soundtracks
Favourite style of art: Landscape and portrait
Operating System: Mac..
MP3 player of choice: Ipod/Ipad
Wallpaper of choice: Assassin's Creed
Favourite cartoon character: Peter Pan
Personal Quote: Don't give up!