Comm_A fun day at the beach by Nonic PowerNonicPower on DeviantArt

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Comm_A fun day at the beach by Nonic Power


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For: Malibumike64 
Inspired by this video:…
(mainly the slippery stairs challenge part of that video)
These characters are Oc by Malibumike64

Jake is helping his sister Aiya while Mike and Kong slipped and crashed, Mayday is struggling to move forward but is slippery as she is walking in the same place.;) (Wink) 

thank you very much for commissioning me :D (Big Grin) 
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Malibumike64's avatar

Also, for what I think is happening in this scene (With my Sonic OCs that is), here’s what I think-


(Kong the Ape): “Oof, aw come on Mike, what was that.”

(Mike the Wolf): “Well, that’s kind of what you get for trying to pull me back down.”

(MayDay the Wolf): “That, or the stairs are just too slippery…” *In her head*-‘Geez, it’s hard. Even if you get a running head start that is…’

(Jake & Aiya): *Struggling*

(Jake the Bird): “Don’t worry sis, I’ll pull you…” *Struggling*

(Aiya the Bird): “Little bro, it’s not worth it, I’m just too heavy for you. Plus, you might slip and slide down with me too…”

(Jake the Bird): “I won’t let you go…”

And that’s about it, what do you think? Also, feel free to share your ideas on what Septiny & Infinite are talking about on their end.