BatBaruNomikhan962 on DeviantArt

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Nomikhan962's avatar


Object  Subaru Impreza STI GC8Character  BatmanCharacter  CatwomanLocation  Gotham City


Okay so here's something I worked on and wanna talk about.

This was a commission from a client of mine. Almost nothing in this drawing is my idea, everything illustrated in this drawing has been described in grave detail by the client themselves and I have only illustrated what image and ideas they had in their mind. My client wanted me to draw;
1. A Subaru GC8 Two door, in Black, with TE37 Bronze rims
2. Cat Woman from Tim Burton's Batman sitting on the hood of the Subaru in exact pose shown
3. Batman sitting inside the Subaru
4. An intersection background, mostly empty and eerie
5. A skyline of Seattle in the background at night
6. Cloudy and eerie black and white-ish background to give out maximum Batman vibes
7. Two specific stickers on the rear side window of the Subaru
8. A Japanese number plate on the car with the numbers shown in drawing

This was quite fun to work with. I have never gotten such amazing detailed requirements from a client before, and that is what made it a really fun and enjoyable experience to work on this. 10/10 would work with that client again.

also first time drawing latex lmao
Image size
3840x2160px 6.1 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Nomikhan962
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JustDreamu's avatar

great composition