Commission: Korbin PhoneCallNomads-of-Korsun on DeviantArt

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Commission: Korbin PhoneCall



Greetings Everyone, here's a new concept art that I commissioned from the following artists:
Main Artist (the one who started the commission):
@Tabia Tabia

Editing/Supporting Artists
@Seyumei Seyumei
@DolphyDolphiana DolphyDolphiana

@Henzypoo Henzypoo
(No Link)

This scene depicts Korbin receiving some "bad news" from one of the bandit intermediaries, the most recent arms shipment has been seized by the newly appointed Inspector. Worse yet, the bandits are still expecting their usual protection (extortion) payment; since the shipment was discovered due to Grimes being killed, and this chain of events was not caused by any known bandit/gang activity.

This news naturally vexes Korbin greatly, and causes him to secretly accelerate his plans to hire a group of salvagers to help him gain some leverage against the bandits.

Korbin's right hand, Eleanor, has anticipated this; she is already setting in motion a meeting between Korbin and a group of salvagers led by a "blue scale Dragon".

This image takes place after this scene:

Commission: Contraband

But a few episodes before this one:

Commission: Deal Making

Tabia, Seyumei, Dolphy, Henzy, Kero, and Rene all did wonderful work performing polish as well as edits/adjustments to the characters and background of the scene.

I kinda wanted Korbin (and the Raccoons in general) to come across as more "Old Fashioned" compared to the more modern Volterrans, and I think they did a great job with the props/scenes conveying that.

There's going to be about 4 more uploads after this one, and 2 of those are going to feature Korbin/Eleanor, as we kinda finished up all the scenes with them fairly recently. So there might be a larger than normal concentration of Raccoons in the art for the near future.

Though after their part will mostly be finished and we won't be seeing any more of them until the full release of the first 16 episodes of the project next year sometime.

(When that happens, I'll probably take all the artwork down and re-load it in chronological order, but that's still a ways off).

As always, let me know what you guys think of the image, what can be used to improve future concept arts, and if there are any areas for possible improvement.

Thanks everyone! Hope you like the concept art!

Image size
2400x1600px 3.86 MB
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Faclan's avatar

Ooooh nice. The groups are slowly getting closer together! Excellent.