Current Residence: Kentucky
deviantWEAR sizing preference: 3XL
Favourite genre of music:
Favourite style of art: comic,manga
Operating System: XP
MP3 player of choice: Musicmatch
Wallpaper of choice: Warcraft
Favourite cartoon character: Superman,Spiderman,Wolverine,Batman and many more
Personal Quote: there are two men i trust one is me the other isn't you
Havent seen or heard from you here on DA for a Month now , i remember you were a bit ill and felt you were coming down with something , then the dang Kentucky floods came , i hope you all are safe and didn't get your house washed away , we saw all the horror stories of the 300 year rain and floods for the Kentucky Tennessee region , hope you ok
Come to think of it Happy New Year 2023 , Haven't Seen @Nomad55, since The Kentucky Floods Last Summer I hope he's ok
Thank you for faving Astrid!