I get weird emotions resurfacing every 4th of July. Its one of the few good memories I have of my childhood. Christmas had drama, Halloween was restricted because of my dad's strict religion, thanksgiving even with all I love it was a lot of work and business, and in general my home life was chaotic besides any holiday reason.
but 4th of July I always remember being very nice. It was one of the only reliable times I'd genuinely enjoy being with my family at my dad's. We would go out and pick a spot near our house and sit in the back of the truck and just watch the fireworks. We would eat some snacks, talk a bit, enjoy the splendor of the night and the fireworks. It was just... good. simple, and it was nice seeing my family in good spirits. It was beautiful without compare.
It's just so odd now being reminded of all these things. things from before my brain shattered and i had to glue back all the pieces. Because I miss it. I genuinely miss 4th of July with my family as it was. plenty