Nocturia's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Dec 2
  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (31)
My Bio

Current Residence: Out of my mind in Cornsville.
Favourite genre of music: Any mixture of Christian, Metal, or both.
Favourite photographer: BellZ. Yer so purdeh.
Favourite style of art: Style? I'll take nice traditional over digital anyday...
Operating System: Old and worn down. AKA Windows 2000.
MP3 player of choice: iPod. If I had one.
Shell of choice: Hermit crabs aren't so bad...
Wallpaper of choice: If it's grunge, it's good.
Skin of choice: Definitely not mine.
Favourite cartoon character: Whatever it may be at the time.
Personal Quote: "My friend, Noccy, ALWAYS has a point."

Favourite Visual Artist
Seyna and the Arph-Arph.
Favourite Movies
Those movies I like Y'know.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
DEMON HUNTER! Then there's others...
Favourite Writers
Seyna and the Term-Term.
Favourite Games
If it's survival horror, thriller, or gothic, I'm good.
Favourite Gaming Platform
If I can play a game on it, it's worthy of my attention.
Tools of the Trade
A sketchpad, an open imagination, and a lot of caffiene-related insomnia.
Other Interests
GOD! And whatever else happens to interest me.
Finally decided, now that I have some artwork in the works that is likely to soon be done, it is time to post my new account.Please watch :devpigeon:, as this is where all my new personal and commission artwork will be displayed. And when I have enough examples and whatnot up, I will be posting prices for commissions as well as opening them.Many thanks to the loyal followers who follow me over.
anonymous's avatar
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Missing pretty much everything about the community, really.It feels so weird to sit down and actually write a journal that isn't to pimp out my commissions or anything like that. To sit down and actually write something... Meaningful. It's been... What? Over a year now since I've written a journal? While I still love DeviantART, it's become so foreign to me. Just another method to make money, as per my Furcadia account. (Which will, for now, remain anonymous.) Life began to get hecktic, I didn't have the time, nor energy, to sit down and really draw anything meaningful, for myself, for anyone... Heck, the word 'artwork' became an estranged...
anonymous's avatar
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Lately, I've been questioning a lot of what I see and who I know. Questioning the sides of people I thought I could trust and those I really can. I feel like I'm losing everything I once held dear.I've been going to cons a lot more lately. It's been a way for me to relieve my stress and depression, and get away from this hellhol- I mean, my home. In city, out of city, out of state, I go to whatever I have the chance to go towards, and work on things in between... It's a different form of art, and it's keeping me from going insane inside this house I call some twisted form of shelter. It's a way to keep my mind busy.But even now, these cons...
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Profile Comments 751

anonymous's avatar
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Kipporah's avatar
Tag a quality deviant, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you
have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re
nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this
message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are,
and they don’t care how much followers you have. Send this to 10
deviants who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will
happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them.

I miss you on DA.
AvalonStarlight's avatar
Hi, I see you are watching my old account. I have a new one now: :iconfloralfawn: I hope to see you there, thanks for your support!
slyfoxlover's avatar
Happy berfday Seyna's good friend. :3
Mephiticous's avatar
black undies and white bra, not happening.

LOL HI :heart:
Nocturia's avatar
LOL YOU WATCHED MEEEEE I watch you back. :D
Saridim's avatar
Happy birthday Nocturia
Dr-Nusakan's avatar