Cryptober day 7: trollNoahsaurus51 on DeviantArt

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Cryptober day 7: troll



The troll is a massive short-faced ground sloth that lives in caves and tunnels it digs itself. Trolls live entirely of plants and have evolved a huge gut to encompass their vast digestive systems. Like all xenarthrans the troll’s main defence are the huge claws on every finger. These claws can easily tear humans in half and cripple even the largest predators. Female trolls have reddish brown fur while males have black fur with a pale underside. When a male sees another male both will engage in a violent battle that often leaves one of the contesters dead. 

Edit: recent studies suggest that giant ground sloths regularly ate meat like a bear. So naturally this means that the troll regularly eats the victims of its sharp claws. 
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Judging by it's name, it crossed the land bridge didn't it?