Hi ^^
I've realized this webpage( and with time i'll try to improve it)to express a little myself. Give voice to my soul xD!
About myself, i'm a fighting dreamer who often live apart from the reality into his world. My dreams are go to Japan and become a writer. I love all that concern to Japan : anime, manga, drama,j-music,cosplay, Japanese landscapes and life. Besides i really like the sky and clouds, i think i couldn't live without those elements. I also like Winter,snow, choccolate and biscuits but perhaps nobody is interested in this. However I hope you will enjoy ^^
Bye bye
«A scattered dream
that's like a far-off memory.
A far-off memory
that's like a scattered dream.
I want to line the pieces up-
yours and mine.»
Current Residence: Lost tamashii town
Favourite genre of music: rock , j-music
Favourite style of art: my personal style ^^