APH Ancient EgyptNire-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nire-chan/art/APH-Ancient-Egypt-139278937Nire-chan

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APH Ancient Egypt



BUT WHERE HORUS? OR RA?! OR... They got stuck in traffic.
I think Egypt was fuckin with everyone and/or smokin pot when they created some of this shit...
like what exactly IS Set? and WTF Ammit? Also Thoths head is lulz.

Also Grampa Rome gettin curb stomped by momma Egypt and little Egypt for running over a cat. Cuz of this:
"Such was the strength of feeling towards cats that killing one, even accidentally, incurred the death penalty. Another Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, describes an interesting example of swift justice imposed upon the killer of a cat: about 60BC, he witnessed the chariot of a Roman soldier accidentally run over an Egyptian cat. An outraged mob gathered and, despite pleas from pharaoh Ptolemy XII, killed the soldier."

I would lol if I saw something like that.
-loves kitties- <3
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ShamanGirl1's avatar
It's funny to keep those punishments in mind when you learn that Ancient Egypt had kitten farms for the sole purpose of purchasing cat mummies to be buried in human tombs. Painfully inbred, strangled or neck snapped at around 2 years of age, hundreds of their mummies found in what were essentially ancient warehouses waiting for purchase.