Akane KeikoNirdara on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nirdara/art/Akane-Keiko-310150691Nirdara

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Akane Keiko



This is Akane Keiko, third member of Team Sasuke. During the main events of "Will of Fire" she's 27 and here she's 18.

to third.
- Okay, now you can kiss me.
- You seem stupid.
- I know. Shut up.

Akane Keiko (27). Rang: Tokubetsu Jonin. Parents: don't know. Brothers and sisters: -. Chakra: Fire.
Teammates: Gekko Hayate and Aburame Shimaru.
Sensei: Uchiha Sasuke
Keiko is joyful and brave. She always believes that all will be okay and seeks good in peeple. She's a little flirtaous and wants to marry a man of her dream. She finds him and moves to Hidden Mist with him. But her marriage turns out to be a misfortune.
Sign: Leo.
Best friend: Gekko Hayate Jr.
Enemy: -
Love interest: her husband.
Phrase: "Always loved to be with my team after all"

Meme [link]
Keiko (c) me
Image size
840x850px 282.63 KB
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