Diona's final anti-alcohol tactic (1/2)Ninjasombrio555 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ninjasombrio555/art/Diona-s-final-anti-alcohol-tactic-1-2-1149283661Ninjasombrio555

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Ninjasombrio555's avatar

Diona's final anti-alcohol tactic (1/2)



Diona, after several time of brainstorming and failed plans, finally got the ideal solution to her scheme: adults can't get drunk, if there's no alcohol!

Little did the kitty know, that she would get drunk too. Minor issue.

Decided to do this to celebrate Diona's birthday (January the 18th), but took to long to finish! Hope it's worth It, though. Happy birthday, gal!

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CreamUnicornCookie's avatar

you're artstyle has really improved dear, i love it even more