Clarabelle - sketch for LadyofEyesniji707 on DeviantArt

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niji707's avatar

Clarabelle - sketch for LadyofEyes



"Clarabelle. She's about 5'3" and thin, though she's often pregnant because she and her husband love kids. She has long curly brown hair and green eyes, but you said a sketch so I'm guessing the color info doesn't count. She's from a more medieval setting, and wears very simple dresses plus a heart-shaped locket given to her by her husband."

This is for :iconladyofeyes:, from my free sketch raffle of two days ago! :)
I can't procrastinate work anymore, so I have to call it finished.
I'm not used to do sketches (ok, that's not correct... I'm not used to do "readable" sketches...), I hope you'll like her anyway!! :wave:
Image size
499x700px 134.7 KB
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Princess--Neko's avatar
I love the light spot in the eyes, really amazing! <3