
Spirits and Nightmares: Episode 2

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Near silence echoed through the dense forest around Vaia. The wind barely touched the seemingly endless expanse of trees and other various plants. Beginning to calm down a little, the kitsune raised her head and looked around her. Tear stains covered some of the fur on her face and forelegs.

Getting back up on her paws, she sniffled. Her eyes were still red from crying. Wiping her eyes with her left paw, she breathed slowly, which helped calm her down more. ‘I should probably start heading back.’ She thought. The Summer Sun Celebration will probably be beginning soon.  But the memory of Twilight yelling played once more in her mind.

Shaking her head, Vaia attempted to clear her mind of that painful memory. Breathing heavily, she began to walk forward through the foliage. “How do I get out?” She wondered out loud, eyes scanning her surroundings as she wandered through the dense forest.

The forest seemed to repeat on, almost like a maze. Darkness kept the woods in an eerie state. Every noise, increased by the sensitivity of her fox ears, made her swing her head in a rush to look. Holding her nose up, she attempted to find her way back with the smell of food from Ponyville. 

“Well, worth a try.” She quietly said to herself, sighing.

Passing by a larger, more open area in the sea of trees, Vaia’s gaze moved onto a larger tree standing out amongst all the others. Several strange wooden masks laid against the trunk of the tree with creepy faces painted upon them. Pale, yellow lanterns hung from smaller branches, right above a door placed within a large carved out space in the tree. Seeing a faint, flickering glow coming from inside, Vaia slowly approached the door of the tree and gently knocked against it. No sound was heard from within.

“H-hello?” Vaia called. Still no sound.

“Well, I was not expecting visitors tonight.” Said a voice from behind, causing Vaia to jump and yelp loudly. “My apologies, I did not mean to give you a fright.”

“Is…is this your home?” Vaia asked her, getting back up on her paws. Her tails whipped around in an attempt to remove the twigs and dirt.

“Yes, this is where I live.” She explained with an exotic tone. “For it is here that many rare plants thrive.”

Brushing the leaves off of her, Vaia grabbed the remaining ones still stuck to her fur with her mouth. “I’m sorry for intruding.” Vaia apologized. “My name is Vaia.”

“My name is Zecora, young kitsune.” Zecora introduced. Vaia stopped moving for a moment after Zecora finished speaking.

“Wait, you know I’m a kitsune?” She questioned, stunned by the fact Zecora knew what she was. “Most ponies think I’m just a fox.”

“Many wild creatures I have seen with my eyes.” Zecora explained. “But I will not explain now, for the moon hangs in the skies. Come inside, hurry.”

Opening her door, Zecora entered her home with Vaia right on her tail behind her. Looking around the room, Vaia wondered what everything in here was for. A large pot, filled with a bubbling green liquid sat in the center of the room. Shelves of various mushrooms, grasses, and flowers were attached to a wall, and more masks hung on another. A single bed laid in the corner right below a small circular window.

“Come, sit.” Zecora said, grabbing another chair and pulling it over towards her small table. “You will be in here for a bit.”

“Why did you invite me in, Zecora? I mean, thank you. But I must get back to Ponyville.”

“It is dangerous here at night.” Zecora claimed. “The things in this forest may give you a fright.”

“O-okay. I’ll take your word for it, since you live in this forest and all. Speaking of which, why do you live in this forest? It seems rather dangerous.”

Zecora stared at Vaia for a few moments, before she began to speak again. “I have heard of something lurking deep inside these woods.” She explained, grabbing a rolled up map from a flower pot resting on the window sill and unrolling it on the table. “What it is, I cannot say, for in words it is hard to display. On this map is where it shall be found, beneath a large dirt mound.”

Staring curiously at the map, Vaia still had one question she wished to ask the zebra. “How did you find this map?”

“From an old friend, it came to my old home.” She replied, rolling the map back up and giving it to the kitsune before her. “Take it, Vaia, and may it lead you where you may roam.”

Staring curiously for a moment, Vaia grabbed the map from her hoof and placed it in her saddlebag alongside the other maps. “Thank you, Zecora. But I still have some more questions for you before I return to Ponyville.”

“What do you seek to know? Hopefully it will help your knowledge grow.”

“So, where did you originally come from?”

“In the land of Zebrica is where I once lived.” Zecora answered her question, moving her hooves around as she spoke. “Until my passion for traveling was revived.” She and Vaia conversed for many hours, until the sun rose once again. From questions about each other, to stories about their lives, Zecora and Vaia continued talking in Zecora’s house.

Sipping a small cup of tea, Vaia realized what time it was as the sunlight peeked into the house from over the treeline, stretching slowly over the wooden floor. “Oh my Celestia!” She exclaimed facepalming. “How did I lose track of time?” Groaning, she quickly gulped down the last bit of tea inside the cup she held.“I’m so sorry for cutting this short, Zecora.” She said to the zebra as she levitated her saddlebag off of the floor next to the chair she sat in, getting up and placing it onto her back. “But I must get back to Ponyville right now.”

“Do not worry Vaia. I enjoyed our time together. You are welcome back here anytime, remember that forever.”

“I will. Thank you.” Vaia replied warmly, hugging the zebra before she opened the door to leave. Giving one final wave, she walked out and began to approach the path leading out of the forest.

The sunlight beamed down through the narrow openings in the leaves above as Vaia continued through the winding path. Before long, the sight of Ponyville appeared, and the trees slowly grew less numerous, signaling to the kitsune that she was nearly there. Seeing the various buildings growing bigger as she neared the village, Vaia stopped for a moment. The memory of Twilight once again played in her mind.




Feeling the tears form in her eyes once again, Vaia pushed on. She sniffled, breathing deeply. The harsh memory kept repeating over and over. Entering the town, Vaia noticed a large party going on. Banners hung between houses and other buildings. Confetti covered the dirt roads and grass while the sound of cheering and laughter was heard coming from nearby. The first thing Vaia noticed was Princess Celestia standing next to another alicorn.

This alicorn was shorter. Her body was blue, and a cutie mark of a crescent moon surrounded by black splotches of varying sizes was visible on her flank.

“Welcome, Vaia.” Princess Celestia smiled at the approaching kitsune.

Pushing her way through the crowd, the other ponies stopped cheering and laughing as they slowly began to notice Vaia. Their smiles turned into looks of wonder and confusion, some also with concern and fear. But Vaia paid no attention to any of them. Her eyes were only focused on another pony, one who also stared at her with red, swollen eyes and a heartbroken expression.

Twilight Sparkle

When Twilight noticed Vaia staring at her, she immediately moved to look away. She couldn’t bear to look at Vaia after what she said. Princess Celestia also noticed this, but said nothing.

“T-Twilight.” Vaia spoke sadly, now standing right in front of the smaller, though older unicorn. Twilight kept her gaze down and away from her. “Twilight…I…” Without a warning, Twilight lunged at her, wrapping her hooves around Vaia’s neck as she sobbed into her soft fur. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She cried. The five ponies behind her watched with similar sorrowful expressions. Vaia glanced at each of them, before moving her eyes back to Twilight.

Closing her eyes, Vaia also wrapped her paws around Twilight, squeezing gently. The unicorn’s breathing slowed as she fell asleep. Placing the sleeping unicorn upon her back, Vaia turned towards the ponies staring at them.

“Y-you’re Twilight’s sister?” Asked the pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail.

“Yes. But I cannot talk right now. My sister needs rest.” Vaia replied, walking past them into the library. Celestia walked after her, waiting on the main floor while Vaia placed Twilight into the bed.

Returning to where the princess was standing, Vaia gently sighed upon seeing the mildly harsh gaze from Celestia. “Vaia Sparkle.” She said sternly.

“Yes, Princess Celestia?” Vaia looked back at her. “This is about Twilight’s behavior, right?”

“It is.”

“I’m sorry, princess.” She stared at Celestia with a sorrowful look in her eyes. “I was forceful to try and make Twilight make some new friends, despite what you said.” She lowered her head a little, barely looking up anymore.

“I understand, even if I don’t fully approve of your decision.” Celestia replied, lifting her head with her hoof. “I hope living here in Ponyville alongside Twilight will help.”

“A-actually, about that.” Vaia moved her head away from the elder princess. “I’ve been h-having some thoughts for a while.”

“What kind of thoughts?”

Moving towards the large window, Vaia looked out at the land outside. “I-I hate the life I’ve been living. I hate being confined in the halls of the castle, trapped inside the walls surrounding Canterlot.”

Celestia followed Vaia with her eyes as the kitsune continued. “I don’t just want to look at maps and books. I want to see the places they describe, with my own eyes and not with my mind. I want to explore the land beyond the city on the mountain. I want to be free.” Vaia nearly shouted, a smile on her face as tears dripped down her face. Placing her paw against her chest, a memory of her and Twilight appeared in her brain. “I love Twilight. I really do, as much as one can love their sister. But I grow tired of being imprisoned, bound by invisible chains. Ever since she became your student, her and I have spent less and less time together. I wish we could go back to the way things were, but I have doubts that it is possible anymore.”

“Vaia.” Celestia’s heart nearly broke from Vaia’s desire and her reason for having it. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“Because I was worried that telling you would make it not happen.” Vaia told her. “I believed you would simply dismiss me, or get the wrong idea. But I can’t hold it in anymore.”

“I would never dismiss you, Vaia.” Celestia told her, speaking softly. “If you truly wish to go, I will not stop you.”

“R-really?!” Vaia exclaimed, smile growing wider, revealing her teeth which normally were hidden behind her lips. Celestia nodded, prompting Vaia to run up to her and give her a hug.

“T-thank you, Princess.” Vaia sobbed from joy. Celestia’s wing wrapped around the kitsune as she cried onto her body. When they separated, the tear-stained face looked at her. “D-do you t-think you could t-t-tell Twilight where I’ve gone?” She asked.

“Of course I will.” Princess Celestia nodded. “Good luck, Vaia.”

Giving her one last hug, Vaia rushed out the door, her maps rustling in her saddlebag as she ran past the multitude of ponies.

“Oh wait. I almost forgot.” She exclaimed, running back to the library, nearly startling the alicorn. Grabbing a piece of paper, Vaia began to write a letter. “Could you please give this to Twilight when she wakes up?” Vaia requested.

Celestia, having recovered from her fright, nodded as her magic took hold of the letter.

“Thank you.” Vaia said to her before once again running out of the door.



 7 hours later

Waking up in her bed, Twilight Sparkle rubbed her eyes with her hoof, before a loud yawn escaped her mouth. Remembering what happened before she passed out, Twilight rushed downstairs. “Vaia! Vaia, are you here?” She called out, only to be met by the sight of Princess Celestia.

“She’s not here, Twilight. She left hours ago.”

“L-left?” Twilight stood, confused and a little saddened. “B-b-but I thought…”

“She wanted me to give you this.” Celestia passed the letter over to Twilight. Opening it, Twilight began to quietly read what was inside.

Dear Twilight

I know you’re wondering why I’m not there, and why Celestia had given you this letter. To put it simply, I wanted to go. I didn’t tell you this before because I was worried you would have tried to convince me to stay.

But I didn’t leave just because of you being too busy with your status as Princess Celestia’s student. I left because I grew tired of living in the confines of Canterlot. I wanted to explore, discover, and have my own adventures. I know your life will be amazing, even if I’m not there.

I just wanted to say that I forgive you for what you said before at the party. It was partly my fault because I was determined to have you make friends so you didn’t end up like Sunset Shimmer. I hope you can forgive me too one day.

I may return someday. But I do not know if I will or not right now. If I do, I expect the best party from that pink pony. I know she will make the best party for me.

With love, hope, and faith

Your little sis, Vaia Sparkle”

Episode 2 of Spirit of a Guardian season 1

© 2024 - 2025 NightShadow280
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