Iceverse Meggy, Tari, and MelonyNightFrostWillow on DeviantArt

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NightFrostWillow's avatar

Iceverse Meggy, Tari, and Melony



A remastered version of my SMG4 gals

Gamer Meggy - After slowly getting into gaming, she now competes in both Splatfests & e-sports. Also, she's somehow now a Latina chick.

Bully Tari - Her personality change was formed from a combination of stress, fear, and hanging out around Belle too much.

Warrior Melony - Still has her power, but they've grown a bit weaker, and now she's trying to balance both her heroic duties and her personal life.

Meggy being a Latina was inspired by @Kanohi-Zeo's Meggy-Zendaya pic, and Melony's look was inspired by @TerryZillasaurus's Concept Art Melony.

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Digitalgamerpro's avatar

You take Meggy, I take Melony?