Nidhogge's avatar


Thanks for all the support !! <3
751 Watchers207 Deviations
I finally made an Instagram account, I will still keep my DA page active but I will be posting more on my IG page :). I will also show drawing processes and tutorials from time to time there.
If you like mt artworks, feel free to check it out and send me your account so I can see your art as well! 
Instagram account: nidhogge_art 

anonymous's avatar
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Tagged By: :iconpacificoakuma:

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 Facts about themselves in
their journal.
3. Then Answer the questions the tagger set for you in
their post, and create eleven new questions for the
people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged
if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really,
truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 Facts about me :
1# I'm quit social and crazy once you get to know me
2# Always wait for the other person to make the first move in a converse
3# Love to travel
4# I'm crazy to go to Japan
5# I love drawing and painting
6#I love playing RPG's and horror/adventure games
7# I find long haired boys really attractive
8# Monty Python movies entertain me xD
9#9gag is now the site i open automatically once i open the web browser
10#  I love to shop even though it tires me ^^"
11# and last, i'd love to get on a dragon and ride it to never never land ~~  


Questions given to me :

1) What was the first Anime you watched?
- That's an easy one: Dragon Ball ! <3

2) What's your favorite anime character?
- I have many but, definitely - Alucard ^w^

3) What first thing you gonna do in Anime world?
- gather an anime gang and go to a karaoke bar xD

4) Is there an anime character you hated?
- Not really ...

5) Do you think anime for kids and teenagers only? and why?
-Noo ! anime is for all ages x3

6) What's you favorite? (Naruto, One piece, Bleach) only these 3
-Bleach :33 I love those spin off episodes

7) If you are able to meet an anime character... who m you are going to choose^^?
-Alucard..just to make me a vampire ,just for that ^_^

8) Witch side you are with? ( L or Light yagami) "from death note"
-L rules the world xD

9) Is there an anime that you would like a 2nd season for it?r
-Guess not.. ^^

10) Who is the funniest anime character in your opinion?
-Kon (Bleach ) still..,there are many others :D

11) What was the last anime you watched?
-Black Lagoon :))

Tagged people \ ^o^ /  !!












My questions :
1. Whats your favorite in-door activity ?
2. favorite animated movie series/anime ?
3. Greatest World achievement by people? x)
4. Least favorite piece of cloth/ style of clothing?
5. World without money - yes or no ?
6. Top 5 games?
7.Top 3 anime series?
8. Fav. artist?
9. Most intelligent person ever? (fictional characters are available too ) x3
10. Choose 3 people you'd be stuck on an island with? ( again, fic. characters can be picked ^^)

That's all folks :D

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Instagram account! by Nidhogge, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Nidhogge, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Nidhogge, journal