Rainforest MagicNidhogge on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/nidhogge/art/Rainforest-Magic-709207323Nidhogge

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Nidhogge's avatar

Rainforest Magic



For my most recent artwork, I decided to paint an older painting I did a couple of years ago again. This artwork is a digital re-paint of the older traditional one. The newer painting looks a lot more like I had originally intended it to look, but my skills didn't allow me to make it as i wanted back then. So, I added more plants and details as well as ( hopefully ) improved the overall look it originally had. 

I hope you like it and as always, comments and constructive criticism are most appreciated! :) <3

Also, here is the older version of this painting that I did some years ago: 
Image size
3510x2550px 9.41 MB
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MilanBourgeon's avatar
Very cool portrait :D the color palette is beaming and vivid, its a pleasure.