Art in Quarantine challenge. Day 14. 2020nicolethebruce on DeviantArt

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Art in Quarantine challenge. Day 14. 2020



Keith Haring.
No side by side comparison, this is not the greatest makeup in the world, this is just a tribute.

Haring is one of my favorite artists of all time. And those that have seen my studio and the stairwell of my home, I have Haring characters all dancing up the wall. 

face and body painted white. I wore a swimmer's cap instead of applying a bald cap this time, as it was already white to begin with, and painted the figures over and onto it to match up with the rest of my face.

I see why Haring favored flat surfaces. ha. These amorphous bodies, simple as they are conceptually, are way trickier to paint than I thought they'd be. And I clearly need the practice at super delicate line work. haha.
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