nickyeira's avatar


Nicky Eira
0 Watchers4 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

To be honest, to me, art comes after writing. I'm well aware that my drawings are amateur; they only appear in bursts of creative flow when I happen to have a pencil or paintbrush in hand. It does give me the satisfication writing does, so I do pick up one of those once in a while.

Me? I never really liked describing myself. I suppose it will suffice to say my real name means 'teacher/advisor' in Spanish. I can be sarcastic or enthusiastic depending on the situation and people around me-- but I'm more at home with the former. I enjoy helping people and writing melancholic poetry =P (Razz)

Favourite Games
Super Smash Bros.
Tools of the Trade
Pencils and fabric paints.
Other Interests
Reading, writing, art

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