[OC] Unescapable GuiltNickH49 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nickh49/art/OC-Unescapable-Guilt-877034510NickH49

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[OC] Unescapable Guilt



I could never forget my past and the immeasurable pain I've caused this world. The countless innocent people that have died by my hand...their last moments playing back inside my head every time I close my eyes. They are literally part of my being as the blood I took from them courses through my body. I know that I could never atone for my sins, but I've found people that I can truly call friends. That alone is enough for me to keep going.

Haku is definitely not proud of her past as the Blood Maiden (right side). However she has never asked for forgiveness due to her feelings that at this point in her life, nothing she could do would ever erase the damage she's caused. Doesn't stop her from trying to bring a little good though.

Used Paint Tool SAI

Character and art (c) Me
Image size
1000x1100px 583.32 KB
© 2021 - 2025 NickH49
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