TLIID Watchmen mash-ups - Alan Moore bonanzaNick-Perks on DeviantArt

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TLIID Watchmen mash-ups - Alan Moore bonanza



The idea was: "With the news that DC’s characters will have a crossover with the Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen characters, the theme is to suggest the worst possible comic book crossover that you can think of between the Watchmen characters and other comic book characters."

Brian Cronin (who runs "the line it is drawn") suggested we try for something that would make Dave Gibbons say "WHY??"  but, y'know...

therealAstrozac suggested: Watchmen 1963 V for Vendetta Swamp Thing League of Extraordinary gentlemen

This is an homage to the Norman Rockwell cover…
Sadly, this just shows how far short I fall of Mr. Rockwell.

More and better here:…

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1652x1848px 393.44 KB
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ArtOfMattEldritch's avatar
whose the guy in between Rorschach and the Invisible Man?