Lately on Dawngate Chroniclesnicholaskole on DeviantArt

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Lately on Dawngate Chronicles



Hey guys!

The OTHER project that I'm working on is still very much alive and very much updating three days a week over at:

I haven't been posting page by page updates here since it seems like the wrong spot to spam everyone that frequently, but I am really excited about where the project has been going lately. John and I are always trying to up our game and improve the quality of comic we are putting into the world- it's better with each page and there's lots more to come. 
Chronicles is the unfolding story of Waystone Games' MOBA Dawngate. Even cooler: if you play the game you'll be able to participate in the choose-your-own-adventure style aspect of the comic called Living Lore in which the community has been voting on the direction of the narrative and we have been steering the comic accordingly (which circles back to affecting characters in the game itself!)
All pretty cool stuff- stay tuned and keep tabs- there's a LOT more to come...
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GodSummoner's avatar

heavy GoT and LoTR vibes, I dig it