Crisis of Cinematic Multiverse 83nghiatanker on DeviantArt

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nghiatanker's avatar

Crisis of Cinematic Multiverse 83

Character  Yelena Belova


During the meeting with Secretary tn a dark room, Yelena stood with clenched fists, her eyes burning with righteous fury as she handed over the data that could prove the innocence of the Avengers. Her voice trembled with barely contained rage as she spoke, her words laden with the weight of betrayal.

"I trusted you," she hissed through gritted teeth, her voice laced with bitterness as she watched the secretary accept the data with a dispassionate expression.

But the secretary merely shrugged indifferently, his face a mask of cold indifference as he turned towards the flickering flames of the nearby fireplace. "I'm loyal to one person and one person only," he replied calmly, his voice devoid of emotion as he tossed the data into the fire without a second glance.

Yelena's heart sank like a stone as she watched the evidence of the Avengers' innocence consumed by the flames, her anger boiling over into a white-hot fury. "You traitor!" she spat, her voice echoing through the empty office as she turned to flee.

But before she could make her escape, the secretary's words cut through the air like a knife, chilling her to the bone. "Security!" he called out sharply, his voice ringing with authority as he summoned his loyal minions to apprehend Yelena.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers approached Yelena from behind, but he was shot by an arrow from a distance far away.

 "I've got you covered, Yelena," called out Kate Bishop, her voice carrying across the night sky as she notched an arrow onto her bowstring, her eyes fixed on the approaching figures below. "Keep moving!"

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Desslar's avatar

Whoops! :o Somebody is in trouble! :cries:YAY! :)