Crisis of Cinematic Multiverse 82nghiatanker on DeviantArt

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nghiatanker's avatar

Crisis of Cinematic Multiverse 82

Character  Yelena BelovaCharacter  Kate BishopCharacter  Amanda Waller


In the sprawling metropolis of California, amidst the shimmering lights and bustling streets, Amanda Waller paced anxiously in her secluded command center, her mind racing with thoughts of the trap she had meticulously laid for her adversaries. But as the minutes ticked by with no sign of Yelena and Kate, a gnawing sense of unease began to settle in the pit of her stomach.


"They should have been here by now," she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with frustration and concern.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in the heart of New York City, Yelena and Kate Bishop celebrated their victory, the coveted data safely in their possession. With each passing moment, their confidence grew, their minds already turning towards their next move.


"Looks like we beat her at her own game! We got all data, enough evidences to put her into the darkest jail.," remarked Yelena with a triumphant grin, her eyes alight with satisfaction as she glanced at the data in her hands.


Kate nodded in agreement, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she surveyed the scene before her. "And how do you handle these data?”.

“I knew one of the Government Secretary, we will give him these data. Punishments were waiting Amanda and her Justice League”


Eventually, Amanda received a notification about a break-in at one of her base in New York. "No, that's not possible," Amanda Waller's fears grew with each passing moment, her mind consumed by thoughts of the consequences of her failure. "We need to find them – now," she declared, her voice steely with determination. "Before it's too late."
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Desslar's avatar

Kate Bishop, you are nothing more and nothing less than Yelena's pet!:devilish: Now please be a good little lapdog and play dead for your master. :fella: YAY! :)