The Edge of DeathNeven-Ebrez on DeviantArt

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Neven-Ebrez's avatar

The Edge of Death



"You will pay for what you did to Itachi..."

More Sasuke for you~ ^^

I really wish I had a Naruto!! I'm so happy right now because today I discovered a totally pain-free beautiful way to bind!! Seriously, what I was doing was crazy, uncomfortable, and totally utterly insane...

This is much better! ^^ I can actually move and bend over!!

It is smoother, more natural and way, WAY more comfortable. Because of my lovely discovery, I shall be going to Metrocon one day as Sasuke instead of retiring this one after AMA.


Time Skip Sasuke (Naruto)
Image size
1110x937px 1.32 MB
© 2010 - 2025 Neven-Ebrez
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UchihaSasuK8's avatar
Great shot - love the angle/pose. Also like the dark eye liner, I have been thinking about doing something move like this myself for a while, but wasn't sure. You have convinced me it does look better!