nes78's avatar


"More than meets the eyes"
759 Watchers
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  • Dec 21
  • Spain
  • Deviant for 5 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (132)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (44)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (15)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

Hola, hace un par de años que ingresé en DA principalmente por skins para Rainmeter y carpetas personalizadas, con el tiempo comencé a crearlas yo mismo como hobby y este es el resultado, sigo aprendiendo. Donaciones:

*NOTA : Las imágenes utilizadas no son mías, las carpetas son para uso personal.

Favourite Movies
Matrix, Alien, Predator, Terminator, Star Wars, DUNE, James Bond, Jason Bourne, Dollar Trilogy, SPIDER-MAN, BATMAN 89, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Transformers 86, X-MEN, Planet Apes, Prince of Persia, Clash Of The Titans 81, RAD 86, Thrashin 86.
Favourite TV Shows
Transformers G1, War For Cybertron Trilogy, Prime Wars Trilogy, MOTU, DBS, Primal: Genndy Tartakovsky, Invencible, Blood Of Zeus, Smallville, MR. ROBOT, Game Of Thrones, The Mandalorian, ANDOR, Forged in Fire...
Favourite Books
El libro de MAAT, El Kybalión, El Doble de Jean Pierre Garnier-Malet, Más allá del rebaño, Más allá del bien y del mal, Estoicismo, El Arte de la Buena Vida, El poder del ahora.
Favourite Writers
Baruch Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche, Marcus Aurelius...
Favourite Games
Assetto Corsa, Gran Turismo, NFS, Aspalth 9 Legends, Call Of Duty, Battlefield, Streets Of Rage 4, Jurassic World Evolution 2, Sacred 2 Gold, Achilles Legends Untold, Pharaoh A New Era, Age Of Mythology, Age Of Empires, 0AD.
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC y PlayStation
Tools of the Trade
Gimp - Photopea - PhotoScape X
Other Interests
Cine, música, foto, retoque fotográfico, manipulación de imágenes, hardware, overclocking, benchmark, modding, automovilismo, mecánica, senderismo...

Profile Comments 264

anonymous's avatar
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ChrisNeville32's avatar

Thanks for the faves!

NathanRosario's avatar

Thanks for the fav!!!

ChrisNeville32's avatar

Thanks for the fave!

jeffdoute's avatar

😀 - Hi Friend - Thanks for 🔸ALL🔸 the Wonderful Favorites - 😀

Thanks for the favorites - Panda Heart Ballons

Have Fun Creating My Friend

souletyler's avatar

What do you think of my idea to revive the short lived MTV show, Cartoon Sushi?

nes78's avatar

Hi Tyler, i'm taking a look!

Tyler Sushi
souletyler's avatar

Thanks. Do you have any suggestions for animated shorts you would like to see in an episode?