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NekoOtaku24 on DeviantArt
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I legitimately haven't drawn all year yet because I was going through an art crisis and was handling it like a wimp :I I finally busted out of it, almost four months into the year, and this is the style that stuck! I know I'm always saying "This is the art style I'm sticking to from now on!" and then I change it immediately, but I really feel like I mean it this time! It's actually the easiest, quickest, and most relaxing way to shade for me! Hopefully, this ends my style bouncing.
Anyway, enough about that! Taako though, amiright?
Anyway, enough about that! Taako though, amiright?
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1000x1200px 1.89 MB
© 2017 - 2025 NekoOtaku24
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